Omarosa Manigault Got Fired from the White House and Had to Be Escorted Off the Grounds By the Secret Service

Omarosa Manigault Got Fired from the White House and Had to Be Escorted Off the Grounds By the Secret Service

April Ryan is a White House correspondent for CNN, and she reported on the drama which took place last night and today surrounding one of Trump’s most senior advisors.

No one really knows what Omarosa did in the White House, and this, combined with her influence, led her to reportedly become the most “despised” person in a White House with no shortage of candidates for that title. Per The Daily Beast:

White House chief of staff John Kelly has tried to curtail Manigault’s direct access to the president, as The Daily Beast reported earlier this month. But her continued proximity to Trump—he speaks with her over the phone, even in the middle of the night—underscores just how thorny her tenure has been for those tasked with managing the administration.

“She doesn’t have any friends in high places—except the one place [where] it matters,” said one Republican official close to the White House and familiar with internal operations, referring to the president. Outside of Trump, she is widely “despised” among West Wing staff, the official added.

April Ryan released a short audio report expanding on her tweet above, reporting that she signed a resignation letter stating that her last day would be this coming January 20th, but General John Kelly decided last night that he needed to expedite her departure, and Omarosa demanded to speak with Trump. Kelly allegedly told her that this is “not like going to the principal’s office,” which set Omarosa off, and she tried to get in to the private residence to see the president, before ultimately failing and being escorted off the premises by the Secret Service. Quite a fitting ending to the tenure of a woman who only occupied a seat in the White House thanks to the drama she was able to whip up on Trump’s reality TV show.

Jacob Weindling is a staff writer for Paste politics. Follow him on Twitter at @Jakeweindling.

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