Parkland Students Who Refuse to Stand for Gun Control Inaction Are Dunking on Donald Trump and Company Left and Right
Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty
In the wake of Wednesday’s deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., it seems no one is more fed up with lawmakers’ continued inaction on gun control than Stoneman students themselves. Despite just having gone through an ordeal no adult should have to endure—let alone a high schooler who has yet to reach voting age, even—the students of Stoneman are doing exactly what many gun proponents don’t want them to: They’re politicizing their school’s tragedy, and in uncompromising, phenomenal fashion. Stoneman students (and teachers) have been dunking on conservatives all week long, voicing their displeasure with everyone from Marco Rubio and Tomi Lahren to the big tangerine himself, Donald Trump.
That’s right: Less than 24 hours—if that—after an AR-15-toting shooter turned an average school day into an utter nightmare, teenaged survivors took to Twitter to tell Trump and his defenders where to stick their hopes and prayers. A senior student reporter named David Hogg (pictured above alongside fellow survivor Kelsey Friend) interviewed his classmates about gun control during the shooting. He later implored lawmakers to make meaningful policy changes in a televised interview, telling CNN, “Without action, ideas stay ideas and children die.” Junior Cameron Kasky penned an op-ed for CNN, writing, “We can’t ignore the issues of gun control that this tragedy raises. And so, I’m asking—no, demanding—we take action now.” These kids are fucking fearless, and while it’s utterly heartbreaking that they have to experience our country’s gun problem firsthand, it’s also beyond reassuring to see this generation staring down tragedy without blinking and raising their voices to demand a solution.
See what we mean below. You can support victims of the Stoneman shooting here.
Unless you are going to do something about gun control so no one else experiences what my school has, shut the fuck up.
— Morgan Williams (@morganw_44) February 15, 2018
Having our teachers walk around carrying weapons will not make us feel any safer. More guns doesn’t solve the issue of gun control.
— Morgan Williams (@morganw_44) February 16, 2018
wow what a weird way to say that he’s a terrorist who hurt my friends and classmates
— lex (@reckIex) February 15, 2018
17 people are dead. 17 of my classmates. This is how you fucking respond? How much of a heartless dick do you have to be to tweet something like this. And btw as we were running for our lives we were calling 911 to the point that they told us not to anymore.
— sarah // #NEVERAGAIN (@sarahchad_) February 14, 2018
To people who didn’t see because the coward deleted the tweet I was responding to this:
— sarah // #NEVERAGAIN (@sarahchad_) February 15, 2018
Fuck you. We don’t need your fucking prayers. GET BETTER GUN CONTROL.
— kyra (@longlivekcx) February 14, 2018
A gun has killed 17 of my fellow classmates. A gun has traumatized my friends. My entire school, traumatized from this tragedy. This could have been prevented. Please stfu tomi
— kyra (@longlivekcx) February 15, 2018
let it be known that cruz messed with the wrong school. We as students are using social media as a platform to have our voices heard. Let it be known that we are and will be in contact with our legislators & politicians. Change is now. & it is starting with the survivors.
— kyra (@longlivekcx) February 17, 2018
I was hiding in a closet for 2 hours. It was about guns. You weren’t there, you don’t know how it felt. Guns give these disgusting people the ability to kill other human beings. This IS about guns and this is about all the people who had their life abruptly ended because of guns.
— carly (@car_nove) February 15, 2018
Dear Marco Rubio,
As a student who was inside the school while an active shooter was wreaking terror and havoc on my teachers and classmates with an AR-15, I would just like to say, YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND.
— sarah // #NEVERAGAIN (@sarahchad_) February 16, 2018
— isabella???? (@YUNGBELANELI) February 16, 2018
I hope ever member of Congress saw this interview
Melissa Falkowski, teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas explains how well prepared they were and how many times they drilled for this and still there was nothing they can do
She breaks down when she begs Congress to do something
— Andrew Lawrence (@ndrew_lawrence) February 15, 2018