RNC to Resume Funding Alleged Sexual Predator Roy Moore

RNC to Resume Funding Alleged Sexual Predator Roy Moore

President Donald Trump recently announced that he was officially endorsing Roy Moore for the Alabama senatorial race, which will have a special election on Dec. 12, just a week from now. In response to our alleged sexual predator president endorsing the alleged sexual predator candidate, the Republican National Committee has announced they, too, will endorse him.

There isn’t much else to say here. NBC reports the RNC will now continue funding Moore’s senatorial bid, which it had stopped doing three weeks ago when allegations of other sexual misconduct with underage girls came out about Moore. The number of women coming forward with details of misconduct at the hands of Moore has only grown, but with Trump’s support, RNC feels comfortable enough to “stand with the president.”

Republicans in Congress have outright defended Moore or at least described him as a necessary evil, one they’ll welcome into the legislative body of the United States as long as it lets them push their agenda through. They’re literally saying that ensuring tax cuts for the wealthy is more important than the fact that this man is accused of predatory sexual behavior with 14-year-olds.

NBC reports that Moore is planning a rally in Fairhope, Alabama with Steve Bannon on Tuesday night.

Please vote for Doug Jones.

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