NYC, LA and Miami Probably Wouldn’t Survive A Zombie Apocalypse

If a zombie apocalypse overtook the U.S., which cities would survive? Well, it sure as Hell
wouldn’t be NYC, LA or Miami.

A new “study” from job website ranked the cities most and least likely to
survive a Walking Dead-style zombie invasion. To determine the Rick Grimeses and, say, the
Glenns, the site examined 53 of the largest U.S. metropolitan areas along four pseudo-
”survival” categories: The ability to defend against the virus, ability to contain the virus, ability to find a cure and food supply. Boston, Kansas City and Salt Lake City ranked at the top of the survival index, whereas NYC, Tampa, and L.A. will, more than falter in a Walking Dead scenario.

Those wondering where your city landed can check out the complete index here; otherwise, the top cities where you can find the survivors and future zombies are:

Zombie Safe Cities
1. Boston
2. Kansas City, Mo.
3. Salt Lake City
4. Baltimore
5. San Diego, Calif.

Zombie Controlled Cities
1. New York City
2. Tampa, Fla.
3. Los Angeles
4. Riverside, Calif.
5. Miami

That said, in the case of a zombie apocalypse, you may not need to worry about how your city will hold up. According to the study, 36 percent of respondents said they’d feast on their coworkers first. So be nice to Nancy in accounting.

Tom is a travel writer, part-time hitchhiker, and he’s currently trying to imitate Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? but with more sunscreen and jorts.

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