This Island is Teeming with Adoptable Dogs
Photo: Megan Amaral/FlickrPuppies in paradise? Yes, please. The island of Providenciales in Turks and Calicos is brimming with rescued dogs that are ready to play a game of fetch, walk along with visitors, have a cuddle session or even come home with you.
Since 2005, the Potcake Place charity has been rescuing unclaimed Potcake pups. The Potcakes usually grow to about 45-55 pounds and are a mixture of English Fox Terriers, German Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers—the breed’s name came about when the locals used to feed the dogs the remains of what was in their cooking pot. Even through roughly 500 dogs are adopted out each year, the charity still has up to 100 puppies across the island in foster homes at all times.
If you are interested in getting a Potcake pup, “You have to be 25 or over to adopt, and all household members must be aware this is a 10-15 year commitment and can’t be taken lightly,” their website states. “If you would like to adopt a potcake puppy, please complete the application form.
Once the application has been accepted and the dog has been chosen, Potcake Place helps the new owner plan out the details of getting the pup to its forever home. “All Potcake pups come with all their medical information, a record card of all of their shots and information, and a Vet’s health certificate,” the company states. The new owner will receive a kit of supplies, and Potcake Place will help with the arrangement of necessary paperwork with your airline.
Adopting a Potcake pup is free, but the organization does ask for donations to cover the expenses. If you are unable to adopt a dog, the volunteer staff welcomes anyone who would like to donate or play with the dogs on the island.
Providenciales is not the only tropical island teeming with adoptable dogs. Costa Rica’s Territorio de Zaguates also welcomes strays. Visitors are invited to play with the dogs and adopt them if they wish.
Lauren Spiler is a freelance journalist based in Athens, Georgia, but most call her Spiler.