
Poldark Season Five: The Final Season Gives Fans Exactly What They Want

Poldark Season Five: The Final Season Gives Fans Exactly What They Want

Keri Lumm reviews the fifth and final season of Poldark for Paste, which you can watch in the video above or read the full transcript of below.

Poldark oh how I love to be frustrated with you, yet you are Pol-dark and handsome and because of this, I cannot look away.

Sometimes this show reminds me of one of their PBS cohorts, Downton Abbey. Remember when they started just killing off our favorite stars? I know, they wanted to leave for movies, whatever, it was upsetting.

Poldark just lets people go no matter how much we all love them, and when Elizabeth met her untimely end, I had to know what would happen next.

Spoiler alert: George has lost his mind.

It’s such an odd thing, because he loved to hate Elizabeth, and maybe that is why he cannot let her go. He’s delusional with grief and because of this is just in between.

And he is still mean as a snake. I’m thinking he won’t move past that anger stage of grief!

Ross is still mourning her, but handles it better because he still has Demelza. Demelza is so nice about all of this. I would be jealous until the day I died and then I would come back to haunt him.

We also see Jeffrey Charles all grown up, Elizabeth’s first son with Ross’s cousin. Deceased. I mean. This show.

Now that his mother is dead, he only has Ross and Demelza. George of course pretends like he doesn’t even exist I told you George. He needs to go to the time out corner.

I cannot understand why they kill off the good people on these shows and let the bad people continue. I mean, they can always create a new villain!

There is also a new love triangle, which makes you wonder about generational traits. I don’t think these things are inherited, but history does tend to repeat itself…

But don’t worry, there is plenty of drama this season with attacks coming from all around on the Poldark family.

This final season is going to bring back Ross’s time in the States fighting in the Revolutionary war. The bonds forged in war do not go away, and that time in his life that changed everything. He lost Elizabeth, but would find Demelza,

But he also made friendships, and one of his friends is in trouble this season, and being the loyal friend that he is, Ross takes up his cause.

There are also going to handle race this season, as slavery and interracial marriage take center stage.

Of course the Ennis family have their own struggles, and the good doctor is going to start working on mental health. (At least if he was trying to educate people about mental health in modern day Britain, he would have the heir to the British throne on his side!)

The other thing that comes to the front of my mind as I watched was that the show portrays the collateral damage of negligent parents: kids have issues!

This season gives fans exactly what they want from Poldark: love and drama. It’s sad to see it end, but all good things must come to an end. Still, thanks to streaming services, you can watch it all again.

Keri is a professional chatterbox who loves watching TV & movies, reading about pop culture, and gawking at any craziness on the internet. You can follow Keri on Twitter.

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