David Lynch Announces Excellent Lineup for Second Annual Festival of Disruption

David Lynch Announces Excellent Lineup for Second Annual Festival of Disruption

Warning: slight Twin Peaks spoilers ahead.

Thus far, the return of Twin Peaks has been a glorious ride, even if Agent Cooper is somewhat of a walking vegetable. If you were wondering whether there was anything David Lynch couldn’t do—besides give Coop more than one-word lines—deliberate no longer. The ever-brilliant director behind the series has revealed the lineup for his second annual Festival of Disruption, solidifying his title as a respected music curator.

This year’s performers include Bon Iver, The Kills and TV On the Radio. The event will be held at the Theatre Ace Hotel in Los Angeles on Oct. 14-15 and features an eclectic variety of entertainment, including talks, film screenings, art exhibitions and even meditation sessions.

Incorporating music into otherwise non-musical work has become a defining element of Lynch’s directorial style. Most recently, the ends of each of the new Twin Peaks episodes have been marked by a live performance of a real world band at the fictional Bang Bang Bar. So far, the bands that have performed for the town have been Chromatics, The Cactus Blossoms and Au Revoir Simone. Like last year’s festival, the event is expected to have the same surrealist touch as Lynch’s other artistic endeavors.

Tickets for Festival of Disruption go on sale June 2 at 12 p.m. EDT and can be found on the festival website here. All festival proceeds will benefit the David Lynch Foundation, which assists with reducing toxic stress and trauma among at-risk populations through meditation.

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