The Rock Clock App (iOS): Do You Smell What The Clock is Cooking?

When I saw the concept for “The Rock Clock” I legitimately laughed out loud. Having grown up with Dwayne Johnson calling people “jabronis” for years, it was weird to see him sidle up to his massively successful film career, which now includes appearing in some of the highest-grossing films of all time.
He’s accomplished quite a lot, and managed to stay fit pretty much the entire time. Through this app, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson attempts to impart his work ethic onto the general public, and for the most part, it works.
Let’s be clear, this is another alarm clock app with a unique twist. Users can set goals, and then set an alarm to get it done at specific times, which can be set to a set of unique ringtones like hard rock music or chainsaws. It’s all done with a very sick yellow-jacket veneer, complete with pictures of The Rock and his bull logo throughout.
Meeting your goal, which is accomplished by the press of a button (known as “crushing it”), warrants a “great job!” voiceover from Johnson, along with the power to share your success on Facebook and Twitter. Beyond that gimmick, there’s a few extras—the ability to “wake up when The Rock does,” (whereabouts 5AM ET, US), and a set of daily video logs from The Rock himself, accessible from the main menu.
It’s part marketing tool, part legitimate heart-felt connection tool. According to the Project Rock website, the app is only “Project Two” in a series that started with a sold out backpack and duffel bag. Seeing Dwayne go through the effort of actually shouting out people during the daily video log “good morning” videos is a nice thing to see, and more effort than a lot of other celebrities would actually put out. Despite its lack of major frills and features, I enjoyed the week or so that I’ve spent with the clock, and may use it in the future to facilitate some workout goals.
How often Johnson plans on keeping it actually supported and updated first-hand is yet to be seen, but he’s doing a good job so far.
The Rock Clock is an iOS app that can be downloaded for free in the iTunes App Store.