Watch Mac DeMarco Dance Like Michael Jackson in “Another One” Video

Watch Mac DeMarco Dance Like Michael Jackson in “Another One” Video

Mac DeMarco seems to be one of the more hilarious, laid-back personalities in music these days, and in the build-up to his album Another One (out Aug. 7), we’ve been able to see him really let loose. The video for the album’s title track is out now, and it features DeMarco in all his shabby, beach bum glory, dancing like Michael Jackson, wearing a Michael Jackson mask, and generally carrying on like the King of Pop. Watch “Another One” above.

As Pitchfork notes, he’s also started a contest encouraging his fans to record their own version of the song. The winner gets a huge prize—69 cents from DeMarco’s bank account. He even included this tutorial:

My question: Is Mac DeMarco the new Bill Murray? Think about it…

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