Win Brandon Sanderson’s Reckoners Series + Swag!
Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary people extraordinary powers. The awed public started calling them Epics.
But Epics are no friends of man. With incredible gifts came the desire to rule. And to rule man, you must crush his will.
Nobody fights back . . . nobody but the Reckoners.
A shadowy group of ordinary humans, the Reckoners spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses and then assassinating them.
Brandon Sanderson’s bestselling Reckoners Series has enthralled readers since the release of Steelheart in 2013. Firefight, the second book in the series, hit shelves last month, continuing the adventures of the Reckoners as they challenge the Epics.
We’re big fans of Sanderson at Paste, so we partnered with the folks at Random House for a giveaway! One winner will receive a paperback copy of Steelheart, a beautiful hardcover of Firefight and a Mophie portable charger (because Reckoners need to power up on the go).
To enter the giveaway, follow @PasteBooks on Twitter and retweet this tweet by 2 p.m. EST on Sunday, February 22nd (you must have a U.S. address to enter). We’ll announce the winner on Sunday afternoon. Good luck!