Exclusive: Tor Teen Acquires a Space Adventure Trilogy by Charlie Jane Anders

Exclusive: Tor Teen Acquires a Space Adventure Trilogy by Charlie Jane Anders

Charlie Jane Anders, a Nebula Award-winning author and co-founder of io9.com, is taking readers to space in a thrilling new Young Adult trilogy acquired by Tor Teen.

Tor released Anders’ debut novel, All the Birds in the Sky, in January 2016 to critical acclaim. The book follows a witch and a tech geek against the backdrop of a war between magic and science, and it won the 2017 Nebula Award for Best Novel. Tor is also publishing Anders’ second novel for adults, The City in the Middle of the Night, in January 2019.

Anders’ upcoming trilogy, her first foray into YA fiction, was acquired by Tor Associate Publisher Patrick Nielsen Hayden in a preempt with agent Russell Galen of Scovil Galen Ghosh Literary Agency.

“I’m still in awe of how much everyone at Tor embraced All the Birds in the Sky, my novel about terribly flawed misfits groping their way towards adulthood,” Anders says. “Tor gave that book the kind of love that makes books soar, and I remain intensely grateful. So I couldn’t possibly imagine a better home for my new story about coming of age in outer space.”

It sounds like fans of All the Birds in the Sky can expect more of Anders’ epic world-building and high-stakes action in the new trilogy, according to Nielsen Hayden’s description:

“Charlie Jane Anders’ currently-untitled YA will be a trilogy of novels about a disaffected present-day teenager who discovers that everything she believes about herself is wrong—that she is not, in fact, human, or from Earth. That, in fact, she has a critical role to play in an interstellar drama involving many contending alien species and a long and complex history of politics, diplomacy and warfare among them. That she carries within herself the memories and abilities of a now-deceased warrior leader of her true species, deliberately implanted in her for safekeeping. It is a tale of the heart of adolescence: vast power and knowledge yoked to a vulnerable young consciousness that’s just now learning, in fits and starts and with repeated failures and setbacks, how to be a person.”

Book one is scheduled for a late-2019 or early-2020 publication date.

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