Watch Dana Carvey Perform a Dance Move David Bowie Taught Him

Watch Dana Carvey Perform a Dance Move David Bowie Taught Him

Dana Carvey is one of those heyday SNL alums that not only can impersonate pretty much any celebrity that ever lived perfectly, but also personally knows a ridiculously large amount of them. That’s why no one should have really been surprised when he told Conan last night that he had been dancing with David Bowie.

It was after an episode of SNL in the late 1980s. Carvey tells Conan that he, Dennis Miller and Jon Lovitz were walking around New York when they stumbled into an empty cafe. Well, empty, save for Mick Jagger and David Bowie smoking pot in the corner. The three SNL-ers sat with the legends, and Carvey recalls that Jagger said to them, “You know, we’re quite famous.” Bowie asked if they wanted to go dancing, so they found a club downtown. Carvey says that he, Miller and Lovitz were awkward and Bowie was doing all these “cool moves.” Bowie showed the guys how to do one of his moves, what Carvey calls a “turn-around 360.” Carvey then descends upon Conan’s hardwood floor and executes the move like it was just last night that he was getting his boogie on with Bowie and Jagger.

Carvey was a guest on Conan to promote his new stand-up special, which will premiere on Netflix this November. Watch the clip above to see Carvey reenact the Bowie move, and to hear another hilarious story about his experience with comedian Richard Pryor.

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