Well, Here Are Some Tweets about Donald Trump Saying “Thighland,” We Guess
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Does this really need an intro? Not only does the headline give you everything you need, but, as many people tweeted today, it was pretty clear what happened just by seeing the word “Thighland” on Twitter’s trending topics. Yes, our president mispronounced the name of Thailand during a speech today. Yes, he called it Thighland. No, I don’t think it’s all that funny—again, this man’s existence is simply too depressing and infuriating to really find anything in his orbit all that funny—but this is the internet and the internet will turn anything into a meme. And yes, then people who use the internet will click on articles like this one, which collect those tweets and memes into a single, easily viewed location. This is the future computer scientists were hoping for.
Check out these not entirely annoying tweets about our dump-brained trash President’s latest indignity.
That’s the tweet. https://t.co/1m4w0jTc9p
— Katie Phang (@KatiePhang) August 6, 2020
Trump, who referred earlier in this speech to the country of “Thighland,” is now making fun of Biden for having said he was in a state other than the one he was in.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) August 6, 2020
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) August 6, 2020
Thighland is just off the coast of Crotchatia.
— (((Josh Malina))) (@JoshMalina) August 6, 2020
Thighland is the only area Americans are still allowed to enter.
— Gennefer WEAR A MASK Gross (@Gennefer) August 6, 2020
The capital of Thighland is Thirsttrap.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) August 6, 2020
A little afternoon trivia: The chief executive of Thighland is the Lord of the Thighs, not the prime minister. https://t.co/OW9iyfOqDx
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) August 6, 2020
Thighland. pic.twitter.com/fFgcYBlXVZ
— Danny Zuker (@DannyZuker) August 6, 2020
Anybody know if a US Passport gets us into Thighland these days? @realDonaldTrump
— NoelCaslerComedy (@CaslerNoel) August 6, 2020
“Shifting production to Thighland” sounds like a line out of a White House porn parody
— Chris Illuminati (@chrisilluminati) August 6, 2020
Thighland is my favorite country after Assganistan. https://t.co/6shV0lkltA
— Alexis Boucher (@alexis_b82) August 6, 2020
Saw Thighland trending and was like damn does @msdanifernandez have ANOTHER tv show in the works??
— kai (@kaichoyce) August 6, 2020
this is such an LA tweet but i really miss living in thigh town
— lauren ashley bishop (@sbellelauren) August 6, 2020
what were everyone’s favorite thighland jokes?
— Emily Heller (@MrEmilyHeller) August 6, 2020
See, this is the problem with modern criticism. Everyone wants a rapid reaction to the Thighland jokes, instead of waiting five years and properly measuring them in the context of broader culture.
— karms (@IanKarmel) August 6, 2020