The Funniest Tweets about Biden’s Speech to Congress

The Funniest Tweets about Biden’s Speech to Congress

President Joe Biden held his first joint address to Congress tonight, which means it’s time for a little experiment. Whenever Trump did literally anything, we could throw up a quick gallery of tweets about it, and usually find a pretty good audience for ‘em. That was especially true for his State of the Union addresses, and although Biden’s speech tonight wasn’t technically one of those (a SOTU, as all the cool political kids call ‘em), it basically served the same purpose. Biden’s speech came near the end of his first 100 days in office—a totally arbitrary length of time that has somehow been imbued with special meaning by the low-brow political press—and served as both a recap of his first few months in office and a preview of what he hopes to accomplish throughout the rest of his first term. As his first major Congressional address, it was both somewhat newsworthy, and also somewhat tweetworthy—meaning a lot of the usual suspects you see pop up on our tweet galleries were writing jokes about the whole thing. So, yes: here’s a collection of our favorites, the funniest tweets about Biden’s first speech to Congress. Will this do even a fraction of the traffic any old Trump tweet gallery would do? My guess is that it won’t, but let’s find out. You’ll know the answer if / when we never do one of these ever again. In the meantime, enjoy the tweets, follow every single person who wrote them, and be as thankful as you can possibly be that tonight’s speech wasn’t done by somebody who cameoed in Home Alone 2.

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