The Funniest Tweets About Comrade Nicholas Cage
Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty
At this point in his career, Nicholas Cage is basically himself a walking meme. He’s almost as famous for his ludicrous purchases (pygmy shrunken heads, for example), as he is for overly impassioned acting performances that often cross the line from inspired to hammy. So when Nicholas Cage was spotted in Kazakhstan sporting their traditional attire and looking for all the world like an uncomfortable hostage, Twitter had a field day.
Here’s the tweet that started it all.
In other news, Nicolas Cage is in Kazakhstan.
— Fabrice Deprez (@fabrice_deprez) July 23, 2017
And here are some of the funniest responses.
I’m going to be so disappointed if Nic Cage in this outfit isn’t an unlockable character for a fighting game soon.
— Anil Arora (@aarora17) July 24, 2017
Nic Cage out here looking for the Declaration of Independence and just remembered the clue said Uzbekistan
— Ben Owen (@br_owen) July 24, 2017
monday mood: nic cage in kazahkstan
— Vincent (@vincentipede) July 24, 2017
Nic cage is currently on display at the Kazakhstan museum of human art.
— Undead Circa 1985 (@HelloAssbutt) July 24, 2017
I’m going to impregnate the president of Kazakhstan (Nic Cage voice)
— Ian Cantu (@cantu_ian) July 24, 2017
New announced for 2018
— oinked (@youvebeenoinked) July 24, 2017
First look at “National Treasure 3: This time we steal the Kremlin”. Disney never fails. ????????
— Dre (@TheDre_Head) July 24, 2017
nicolas cage’s publicist: “there’s a small photo op, but you’ll need to fly to kazakhstan & wear a….”
nic cage: “i’ll do it.”
— Erica (@SCbchbum) July 24, 2017
Nic Cage is making a face like that lady’s his mom and she’s making him wear that outfit because his great aunt got it for his birthday
— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) July 23, 2017
Nic Cage waiting on the father in law…
— D B Livin (@SwampYnkStoolie) July 24, 2017
Nice to see Nicolas Cage enjoying his new role as Headmaster of Durmstrang
— Alice Westoby (@alicemayw_) July 24, 2017
I’m really excited to see #NicolasCage starring in the new Yakov Smirnoff biopic.
— Dave Landau (@LandauDave) July 24, 2017
Tfw you’re Nicolas Cage & you’re not sure how you ended up here, but this is your life now
— Joel Harvey (@complexpond) July 23, 2017
Please tell me he’s there to film the ultimate action movie/ buddy-comedy:
— Josh Thompson (@jdthmpsn) July 23, 2017
?record scratch?
?freeze frame?
Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation…
— mnrrnt (@Mnrrnt) July 24, 2017
Is no one gonna address the fact that he’s wearing trainers with this suit?
— Zeinab (@_Zozziie_) Zozziie/status/889421081228050432″>July 24, 2017
Nic Cage in Kazakhstan added to the photo of “People who don’t know WTH they’re doing there”.
— Persian Rose (@PersianRose1) July 24, 2017
Nicholas Cage is approaching his final form.
— Ben Cawthon (@Ben_Bawthon) July 24, 2017
Nicholas Cage increasingly looks like he’s in an episode of Quantum Leap.
— Ian Drysdale (@ijdrysdale) July 23, 2017
I thought I’d already seen enough of #NicholasCage in #Kazakhstan but then one genius made this.
— Paolo Sorbello (@PaoloBottleneck) July 23, 2017