Watch Patton Oswalt Deliver Some Great Mike Huckabee Twitter Jokes

Watch Patton Oswalt Deliver Some Great Mike Huckabee Twitter Jokes

Did anyone know that Mike Huckabee dabbles in comedy? Well, he’s obviously a genius, as his Twitter will prove. But maybe the jokes are lost in translation, so he really just needs a platform—someone to prove that he’s funny. Maybe even a professional to help with his delivery. Well, that’s just what happened last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, with the aid of Patton Oswalt to deliver a few tasty one-liners.

Unsurprisingly, these jokes still don’t land. But even so, it’s really great to see Oswalt segue between each tweet with things like, “Traveling’s weird,” before Huckabee’s frustrated tweet that he’s stuck with BBC in Norway, aka “Biased Boring Crap.” There’s also that tweet about the whole Snoop Dogg thing, which you can see below.

Check out the embedded video above. Huckabee even “joked” about it on Twitter, which you can see below, because of course he did.

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