The Funniest Tweets About Rex Tillerson’s Firing
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Former oil CEO Rex Tillerson was a terrible Secretary of State who gutted the State Department and drove dozens of senior diplomats out of service. He also looks like Judge Smails as a Dracula. He’s the kind of cartoonish rich old white man you just naturally want to make fun of, and while you’re laughing at him he’s focused on the business of destroying the environment and ruining America’s global reputation and, I don’t know, sucking the blood out of unsuspecting Bushwood Country Club employees.
Oh, he was also just fired. By Donald Trump, who is actually a president. And not in person or on a phone call but by a tweet, at least according to the State Department’s initial statement.
Mike Pompeo, Director of the CIA, will become our new Secretary of State. He will do a fantastic job! Thank you to Rex Tillerson for his service! Gina Haspel will become the new Director of the CIA, and the first woman so chosen. Congratulations to all!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 13, 2018
Remarkable statement from State Department spokesman on Tillerson firing:
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) March 13, 2018
Subsequent reporting has established that Tillerson was notified last week that he was being replaced, but that no timeline was established. And since Tillerson accused Russia of the recent poisoning of a former Russian spy in the UK just last night, it’s, uh, pretty easy to throw this on top of the stack of evidence for some kind of Russia-Trump conspiracy. If you’re conspiratorially minded, of course.
Let’s not mourn Tillerson or look back on his brief foray into statesmanship with any degree of fondness. Again, the dude was terrible at his job, and just kind of terrible, period. Like so many Trump appointees, he seemed to get this position solely to undermine the government and sow chaos throughout the entire department. That’s about the only thing he accomplished during his (not quite) 14 months in office. And yet he somehow still seemed more competent and serious than his boss, the president, who Tillerson once infamously called a “fucking moron.” (And hell, we’re surprised he lasted as long as he did—we’ve been waiting for Trump to fire him since all the way back in October.)
Of course, as is standard with anything that ever happens with the Trump Administration, Twitter blew up when the news hit. And some of the tweets from that eruption are worth a read. Here are the funniest tweets about our CEO-turned-top diplomat getting canned without fanfare by our reality star-turned-president.
BREAKING: Putin fires Tillerson.
— Danny Zuker (@DannyZuker) March 13, 2018
Congrats to Rex Tillerson on his new job as CEO of Vice
— erin ryan (@morninggloria) March 13, 2018
The Tillerson Era: A Look Back
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) March 13, 2018
Poor Rex Tillerson wakes up today for the first time in decades with no active role in destroying the climate.
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) March 13, 2018
REX TILLERSON: I found out that my job was terminated today through Twitter. In the good news department, the very next tweet was one promoted by celebrated sandwich shoppe, Arby’s, and I’m pleased to announce that they do indeed still have “the meats”
— Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner) March 13, 2018
Rex Tillerson found out he was fired when he stepped outside for coffee and saw the big Rex Tillerson billboard across the street being replaced with an even bigger Mike Pompeo billboard
— ????Insatiable Gun Taker???? (@crushingbort) March 13, 2018
If your porn name is your first pet’s name combined with the street you grew up on then there has to be someone with the porn name Rex Tillerson.
— Brandon Scott Wolf (@BrandonEsWolf) March 13, 2018
i think what’s really important to remember about Rex Tillerson is that “Rex” isn’t a nickname or anything, it’s just what his mom decided to actually name him when he popped out.
— ??????????????? (@kadyrabbit) March 13, 2018
Fun watching the big tough business guy find increasingly chickenshit ways to fire people
-Comey: letter
-Tillerson: Twitter
-Sessions: just stop paying him
-Carson: keep making his desk smaller and smaller so he thinks he’s goin insane
-Pence: get a WH cat even tho he’s allergic— Mark Agee (@MarkAgee) March 13, 2018
Rex Tillerson is already getting interest from the Browns.
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) March 13, 2018
Rex Tillerson will be returning to his previous job, guy in a rap video who you think is about to tell everyone to keep it down, but after a second starts dancing like crazy
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) March 13, 2018
now that tillerson is out of the way Jared can finally fix this whole Middle East situation
— KT NELSON (@KrangTNelson) March 13, 2018
Tillerson’s greatest act of diplomacy was calling Trump a fucking moron.
— Desi (@DesiJed) March 13, 2018
When you are Rex Tillerson checking Twitter.
“Ha ha, that dog is hiding under that other dog, how absolutely adorable oh I’m fired.”
— pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) March 13, 2018
Rex Tillerson now returns to his previous career as a George Jones album.
— James Adomian (@JAdomian) March 13, 2018
Wait, I can’t keep up, is Rex Tillerson another porn star?
— Jesse McLaren (@McJesse) March 13, 2018
no one has ever been the ideal of something the way rex tillerson is the ideal of “fighting puke burps from a superfluous bratwurst” and i will miss him
— Muscular Baby (@Mobute) March 13, 2018
I don’t want to find out about nuclear war the same way Rex Tillerson found out he was fired.
— Marie Connor (@thistallawkgirl) March 13, 2018
sure, firing Tillerson via tweet is okay but if Trump wants to keep up this level of crazy he’ll have to do his next firing via fortune cookie or surprise tattoo
— beth, not making $230,000 a minute (@bourgeoisalien) March 13, 2018
Behind-the-scenes photo of Tillerson joining the other sacked Trump appointees.
— Middle-aged Mancino-Williams (@Manda_like_wine) March 13, 2018
1. Omarosa
2. Sean Spicer
3. James Comey
4. Anthony Scaramucci
5. Rex Tillerson—My power rankings of former White House employees according to their probability of appearing on Dancing with the Stars
— Alex Jacob (@whoisalexjacob) March 13, 2018
Whoa Tillerson got fired?! I think I have a tweet saved for this!
— jordan (@JordanUhl) March 13, 2018