Sacha Baron Cohen’s Feud with Sarah Palin Continues
Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty
We recently reported that Sacha Baron Cohen had gotten dressed up as a military vet and fooled Sarah Palin in a recent interview for his forthcoming Showtime show (which he teased earlier in a fake Trump University promo). Suffice to say, the former vice presidential candidate was not amused by her encounter with Cohen, calling him a “piece of ****.” Thursday, the comedian issued his own rebuttal, offering fans more insight into his new character.
Cohen’s in character as his latest persona, Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr, Ph.D, when interviewing Palin for his forthcoming seven-episode comedy Who Is America? The good doctor responded to Palin’s criticisms in an official statement issued via his Twitter account:
Here’s the truth
— Billy Wayne Ruddick Jr., PhD (@BillyWRuddick) July 12, 2018
If Ruddick seems like a parody of your average American right-wing nut job, that’s because he is. Through Ruddick, Cohen satirizes the Fox News audience, cooking up an impressively robust porfolio of conspiracy theories, from “Crooked Hillary” to “Obamanoids—For Real!,” on his website, Given Palin’s reaction and this huge show of dedication to the character, we frankly can’t wait to check out Who Is America?, which debuts on Showtime July 15.