Shia LaBeouf Hitchhikes Across the Country with Fans for Latest Art Piece
Photo courtesy of Brandon GlantonShia LaBeouf, the famously eccentric star of Holes and the Transformers franchise, is once again going out on a limb for his latest Twitter-based creative project, entitled #TakeMeAnywhere. The actor-turned-artist has partnered up with frequent collaborators Nastja Rönkkö, Luke Turner and counterculture magazine Vice to produce the art piece, wherein fans and followers of LaBeouf can track the threesome’s whereabouts using coordinates from Twitter or the Take Me Anywhere website to suggest potential locations for the group to hitchhike to.
40°14’45″N 105°32’06″W— Shia LaBeouf (@thecampaignbook) May 23, 2016
The star has more or less agreed to go anywhere or do anything that his fans suggest, seemingly unconcerned with the logistics and various trials that could crop up along such a spontaneous journey. Five friends have already met up with the star in Lyons, Colorado to take advantage of the #TakeMeAnywhere challenge, where LaBeouf treated them to lunch at Oskar Blues and divulged details about his childhood.
“He was talking about his upbringing and how he was raised by a single mother,” Brandon Glanton, one of the lucky fans, revealed. “To have everyone sitting down there, having lunch with him, it was so cool that he was so receiving. He was more humble than you can ever imagine.” Glanton also went on to describe one of LaBeouf’s anecdotes about his father, who was a trained circus clown that juggled chickens as part of his act. Another diner, Daniel Rachlitz, shared amusing tidbits about LaBeouf, insisting that #TakeMeAnywhere participants couldn’t make him eat rat poison and that the actor expressed extreme reluctance toward being taken skydiving.
LaBeouf himself has described the project as being about “making friends” and “finding meaning”. This isn’t the first time LaBeouf has undertaken a bizarre or unconventional enterprise in the public eye, memorably wearing a paper bag reading “I AM NOT FAMOUS ANYMORE” over his head to the Berlinale Film Festival in 2014 and acting in a bizarre Los Angeles performance art installation named #IAMSORRY where fans could come in with a prop from one of LaBeouf’s past performances and watch the actor cry in silence. To learn more and access the actor’s current coordinates, visit the project’s official website here and check out the brief video that fans took with the actor in Lyons below: