Watch the Trailer for Netflix’s The Comedy Lineup Part 2
Photos by Jackson Davis, courtesy of Netflix
Netflix keeps the stand-up a-churning with the return of The Comedy Lineup, a series of 15-minute stand-up specials whose first half came out back in early July. That first part featured great mini-sets from Sam Jay, Ian Karmel, Jak Knight and more, and this month’s drop should keep that momentum going with its roster of eight great comics, including Aisling Bea, JR De Guzman, Janelle James, Josh Johnson, Matteo Lane, Max Silvestri, Kate Willett and Emma Willmann. (And also like the earlier specials, these were all taped in Paste’s home town of Atlanta earlier this year.) It’s a diverse group of comedians that shows off how deep and varied the stand-up world is today.
Netflix released our first glimpse at The Comedy Lineup’s return, and guess what: it looks funny. Yep. Way to go, comics: it seems like you’ve done your jobs. Check out that trailer before, and get pumped for all eight of these microspecials, which will be streaming on Netflix as of Friday, Aug. 31.
And hey, while we’re at it, here’s some key art.