Tracy Morgan Is Boycotting Mississippi Over Its Anti-LGBTQ Law
Lost in the furor surrounding North Carolina’s now-infamous “Bathroom Bill,” the law that essentially legalizes anti-LGBTQ discrimination in the state, is the fact that Mississippi passed a similar law very recently. Maybe it’s because we expect Mississippi to pull this type of bullshit, whereas North Carolina has a much stronger history of progressivism. Regardless, the Mississippi law might be even worse that the one in North Carolina—it even allows doctors to refuse medical care to patients if doing so would compromise their conscience—literally the opposite of the Hippocratic oath—and Tracy Morgan is making his opposition to it known by canceling his scheduled Apr. 29 show in Robinsonville, Miss.
“Tracy did not make this decision lightly,” a representative said via a press release. “He very much looks forward to rescheduling his tour dates in the area after the ‘Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act’ is either repealed or heavily amended.”
This is the second heartwarming act Morgan has performed this week, after performing for all the hospital workers who helped him recover from his life-threatening 2014 car accident in New Jersey over the weekend. Whether or not a boycott is the right call (versus performing the show anyways and turning it into a protest) is up for discussion, but the important thing is that Morgan is taking a stand.