The Funniest Tweets of the Week

The Funniest Tweets of the Week

You can’t stop time, or change, and it’s time for us to announce a change here at Paste, namely one pertaining to this humble comedy section that you hopefully know and love. We have a new Assistant Comedy Editor, Yusef Roach, and he’s already embraced one of the primary responsibilities of any self-respecting Paste Assistant Comedy Editor: compiling our weekly round-up of tweets worth reading. So say “hi” to Yusef and be kind about his tweet selections—this is only his first week, dammit.—Ed.

Good job, everyone—one of our best weeks together yet, I’d say. As is my duty as new Assistant Comedy Editor here at Paste, I’ve compiled a list of what are objectively the funniest tweets of last week. 23 embeds of pure, sometimes underperforming but always hilarious gold.

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