The Funniest Tweets of the Week

The Funniest Tweets of the Week

So are we gonna have to start doing the funniest fleets of the week now?

Normally in these intros I run down the notable news of the last week, especially the ones referenced by the tweets below, but let’s chunk that this week. Let’s instead talk about an important issue near and dear to my heart that not enough Americans are aware of today: how every Facebook group about a specific dog breed has become nothing but a daily catalogue of dead dogs. I’m a member of I’ve Got the Cutest Boston Terrier on Facebook, and every time a post crosses my feed it’s exactly the same: it’ll be three or four photos of an adorable Boston terrier, and then a comment about how today was the day they crossed the Rainbow Bridge and got their wings and were sleeping on bacon mountains in Doggy Heaven with their best friend Peppy. The rare post about a new puppy is always drowned out by a dozen or more about how Buster or Max or Gus or Tater just became one with the cosmos. Something I joined years ago to bring me joy has instead become a daily reminder of the fragility of life and how brief our time with our Boston terriers really is.

So hey: tweets! And not fleets. Here are the funniest tweets of the week. Read ‘em, like ‘em, share ‘em, follow the people who wrote ‘em, or don’t do any of that at all. Your call.

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