Preview: High Moon Pits Gunslingers Against Werewolves

Preview: High Moon Pits Gunslingers Against Werewolves

Back in 2007, writer David Gallaher and artist Steve Ellis—names you may recognize from their post-apocalyptic sci-fi adventure, The Only Living Boy — mounted their hosses and loaded their six-shooters with silver bullets for High Moon, a gorgeous, rollicking horror/western about cowboys facing off against varmints who prey on more than cattle. Like a cross between Dan Brereton’s Nocturnals and Larry McMurtry’s Lonesome Dove, the online comic dove into an atmospheric, rugged landscape unafraid to unleash Gothic monstrosities at every turn. As the series progresses, ex-Pinkerton agent Matthew Macgregor, outlaw Eddie Conroy and emergent gunslinger Tara Bradley expand their bullseyes to demons and mad scientists. Ellis nails the elongated, feral physique of the lupine shapeshifters, but his colors are especially evocative. The scorched sand landscapes and otherworldly blue nights cast a sense of menace no matter the earth’s rotation.

Publisher Papercutz/Super Genius is bringing back the Harvey Award-Winning series just in time for Halloween, with High Moon Vol. 1: Bullet Holes and Bitemarks releasing in book stores on October 31st, with a second volume following at an unspecified date. It’s a highly entertaining twist of genre that maintains a breakneck pace, even if that neck is littered with suspicious teeth-shaped scars.

Don’t believe us? Check out the pages below.

High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks Interior Art by Steve Ellis

High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks Interior Art by Steve Ellis

High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks Interior Art by Steve Ellis

High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks Interior Art by Steve Ellis

High Moon: Bullet Holes and Bite Marks Interior Art by Steve Ellis

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