Exclusive Preview: Philosophical Sci-Fi Noir ReincarNATE Partners a Private Investigator with His Past Lives to Fight Corruption

Earlier today, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Watchmen and X-Men screenwriter David Hayter would be bringing upcoming sci-fi noir comic ReincarNATE to the small screen. The series, from writer Michael Moreci and artist Keith Burns, will debut from publisher Heavy Metal on August 17th after a self-published run.


The comic revolves around Nate McCoy, a PI who gains the ability to consult and partner with past reincarnations of himself after an assailant shoots him in the head. Along with his previous-life counterparts, Nate vies to take down a scummy underworld boss while also solving the mystery of his attempted murder. It’s an appropriate mind-melt premise for Heavy Metal, a publisher famous for ushering European adult fantasy and sci-fi under contributions from creators like the late Moebius. The line recently fell under the editorial guidance of post-modern comics icon Grant Morrison, and will publish comic series in addition to its anthologies.

Moreci has persistently rose through genre comics as a unique voice, wrapping narrative adventures around weighty philosophical questions. His Image trilogy Roche Limit introduced aliens obsessed with human souls and his upcoming series for publisher Z2, Indoctrination, tackles death cults and extremisms in a murder mystery.

Heavy Metal Solicitation for ReincarNATE:

“Nate McCoy isn’t your ordinary private detective—sure, he’s a bit of a slacker who doesn’t follow orders and loves to rattle the status quo’s cages, but that’s not what really sets him apart. After rattling the wrong cage, Nate took a bullet to his head that, somehow, didn’t kill him. Instead, it gave him an unusual ability: He can see and interact with past versions of himself. The people he reincarnated from.

With the help of Jameson (a Wild West lawman) and Alan (a Mad Men-era hitman), Nate sets his sights on taking down his city’s crime kingpin and find out who he has to “thank” for the bullet that gave him this strange, and helpful, new power.”

ReincarNATE #1 Interior Art by Keith Burns

ReincarNATE #1 Interior Art by Keith Burns

ReincarNATE #1 Interior Art by Keith Burns

ReincarNATE #1 Interior Art by Keith Burns

ReincarNATE #1 Interior Art by Keith Burns

ReincarNATE #1 Interior Art by Keith Burns


ReincarNATE #1 Interior Art by Keith Burns

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