Pledge to Help a 1974 CBC Graphics Standards Manual Get Created
Image via CBCMany companies are reproducing old graphics standards manuals, like NASA’s 1975 graphics standards manual. As part of the movement to revitalize the past, Canadian graphic designer and art director Adrian Jean made a website to fundraise for a creation of the 1974 graphics standards manual for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Canadian equivalent to America’s PBS.
“As a tribute and celebration of that work, we wish to create a limited edition faithful reproduction of the original 1974 CBC Graphic Standards Manual (written and designed by Burton Kramer), in its entirety, so that designers, educators, students and enthusiasts can own a piece of Canadian design history,” says the website. “But we need your pledge to show the CBC that there is actual interest in this book.”
The manual is a ring binder holding more than 200 pages that describes CBC’s “Gem” logo, designed in 1974 by Burton Kramer. It also has many designs of other variations of the logo and typography used in the CBC brand.
“The CBC manual epitomizes the concept of integrated design,” said Arlene Gehmacher, curator of the Canadian Art and Graphic Design and the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) on the website. “It set the standard for Canadian corporate identity programmes and has become a part of our national heritage.”
However, before a Kickstarter for the project can begin, Jean needs to get pledges to prove to CBC that creating the graphics standards manual would be useful to designers and design enthusiasts. Pledging is free and will continue through August. If enough pledges are received, a Kickstarter campaign will begin in September and the book would be produced from October to December.
You can pledge and find more information about the fundraiser here.