
Bauhaus Brew Labs Uber Duber

Bauhaus Brew Labs Uber Duber

German-inspired Bauhaus Brew Labs likes to mix it up with their seasonal rotation, straying beyond the norm and well beyond the German theme of their core line-up. Originally, Über Düber was to be a new beer style each year, but they liked the 2016 imperial sparkling ale enough to bring it back again this year, revised for the new year.

Bauhaus pays homage to the Australian sparkling ale but gives it an American craft kick, with a higher hop profile, that plays notably in both aromatics and bittering. The beer pours a deep gold or yellow with a high carbonation level (sparkling, one might say), and a slight hazy appearance. While there is a bready malt flavor, it’s well balanced with a dose of Australian hops that give papaya, passionfruit, cantaloupe and pineapple notes. Underneath, there is a wet and earthy tinge. It finishes off with a very bitter resin that wipes the tongue clean.

The curious moment in this beer is near the start: a semi-sweet malt coats the tongue first, followed by that short and subtle “wet” flavor as it transitions into the tropical notes of the hops. When the two meet it creates a quick burst of overripe tropical fruit that’s there and gone so quickly that it complements the depth without overbearing the overall beer, before quickly moving on to the bitter finish.

That quick palate refresh at the end is a danger, because it gives the impression that the light-to-mid body beer is sessionable, even though it pours at 8%. Drinker beware.

Oh, and if you want to see a really weird add for Uber Duber, here it is.

Brewery: Bauhaus Brew Labs
City: Minneapolis, MN
ABV: 8.0%
Style: Australian sparkling ale
Availability: 750 mL bottle, draft

Loren Green is a Minneapolis writer covering beer, music, and more. Follow him on Twitter at @lorenmgreen.

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