5 Cocktails to Fight the Flu

5 Cocktails to Fight the Flu

I know it feels like we just kissed summer goodbye, but we have actually just entered one of the most dreaded times of the year: flu season. Since you probably didn’t pop into your local CVS to get a flu shot, you will likely need a way to fight the dreaded flu, the common cold and any number of cold weather maladies. May we recommend a cocktail?

Traditionally, the Hot Toddy was prepared to fight the common cold. Popular in Scotland and Ireland, a Hot Toddy is usually comprised of whisky, hot water, honey and lemon. There are many variations on the basic recipe, but it is believed that the drink has cure-all properties. At least, that’s what we tell ourselves when we drink one right before bed. If nothing else, the Hot Toddy is warm and feels good going down our throat. From the original Hot Toddy comes a slew of new and interesting cocktails perfect to fight the flu from bartenders across the US. Do they have medicinal properties? Probably not. But what’s the harm in trying?

Hot Shot

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From MiniBar’s Bartender Jeremy Allen

2 oz. Bank Note Scotch
0.75 oz. ginger syrup
0.75 oz. lemon
0.5 oz. honey

Directions: You can shake all the ingredients and strain over ice if you want to keep it simple. But we recommend you steam the drink with a cappuccino wand and serve warm in a glass mug. Lay a thinly sliced lemon wheel on top, then drizzle and float a spoon of smoky Islay scotch on top. You can substitute Reposado Tequila for the bank note, and a mezcal for the Islay scotch. If steaming, don’t go too hot. You don’t want to lose the booze. Aim for 120/130 degrees.

Hot Mo

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Created by Sofia Present, August Laura

¾ oz. Averna
¾ oz. Aged Rum
¾ Cognac
¾ Simple Syrup
Hot Water
Dash of Mole bitters
1 ½ oz. Cinnamon Syrup Whipped Cream

Directions: Combine Averna, aged rum, Cognac, simple syrup in a hot toddy glass. Top with hot water. Add a dash of mole bitters. Top with cinnamon syrup whipped cream. Garnish with grated nutmeg.

False Witness

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Created by Chaim Dauermann, Head Bartender, Up & Up
Photo by Matt Piacentini

.5 oz. Jagermeister
1 oz. Whistle Pig Rye
1 oz. Atlantico Reserva Rum
.25 oz. Montanaro Grappa di Arneis
.5 oz. Pistachio Orgeat

Directions: Add all wet ingredients to a tin and whip (without any ice) until frothy. Pour into coffee mug. Top with hot water from the kettle. Top with freshly grated nutmeg on top. Serve in a coffee mug.

Babbo’s Toddy

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Created by Erick Castro, Soda & Swine

½ oz. Campari
1/2 oz. Wild Turkey 101 Bourbon
1 oz. Sweet Vermouth
3/4 oz. Cinnamon Syrup

Directions: Build ingredients into warm 8 ½ ounce mug and top with boiling water. Garnish with an orange slice. To make cinnamon simple syrup, bring 4 cinnamon sticks, 1 cup of sugar, and 1 cup of water to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool.

California Cold Remedy

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From Leif Goldfield at Coast Kitchen in Jenner, California

1.5 oz. West of Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey (Sonoma County Distilling Co.)
.5 oz. honey syrup
.5 oz. ginger syrup
.5 oz. tumeric syrup
.5 oz. lemon juice
5 oz. hot water
Sprinkle of cayenne
Garnish with lavender & lemon peel

Directions: This rift on a Hot Toddy warms the body and boosts the immune system when the weather is wet with a warming concoction of cold busting spices that include ginger, turmeric, lemon & cayenne. Mix all ingredients together in a large mug and enjoy.

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