Nordstrom’s Newest Store Is Selling Beer and Wine–but no Clothing

Drink News Nordstrom
Nordstrom’s Newest Store Is Selling Beer and Wine–but no Clothing

Upscale department store Nordstrom announced Monday that it would be opening a brand new concept: A small, 3,000 square foot store called “Nordstrom Local” in Los Angeles, which is a far cry smaller than the typically sprawling, 140,000 square foot or more locations it has traditionally operated. However, it’s the other changes that will likely be more noticeable: This Nordstrom Local won’t be physically stocking clothes for customers to buy. Instead, it’ll be pouring them glasses of beer and wine.

The concept seems to work this way: There are eight changing rooms at the Nordstrom Local location, along with what is presumably a showroom of clothing that is not for sale at that location. Customers are invited to come and patronize the on-site bar while receiving manicures or tailoring services, and can then consult with a personal stylist who will make recommendations that can then be purchased from the Nordstrom website, or ordered from a different location. So in other words: Load up the consumer with booze, and then tell them how good they look in a $500 sport coat. Of course, the Nordstrom PR folks put it slightly differently:

“As the retail landscape continues to transform at an unprecedented pace, the one thing we know that remains constant is that customers continue to value great service, speed and convenience,” said Shea Jensen, Nordstrom senior vice president of customer experience.

The company has not yet stated whether it plans to expand the concept beyond a single location, but the first Nordstrom Local will open on Oct. 3.

Now for the real question of importance: What kind of beer selection will the Nordstrom Local be rocking? If they can get their hands on some of the hazy IPAs from Monkish Brewing or Three Weavers, we just might be interested in having one of those suit fittings after all.

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