Stone Brewing Kills One Of Its Oldest Beers

Stone Brewing has announced the end of Smoked Porter, the second beer to debut at the San Marcos brewery back in 1996. They will continue to produce and sell the porter through November 2016, giving it a full 20 year run.

Don’t worry, it’s not all bad news. The brewery, which opened a second facility in Virginia, also announced that they will soon begin distribution in Arkansas, a result of their increased capacity from the auxiliary site.

By the end of 2016, Stone hopes to be available in all 50 states. They are currently available in 41, as well as Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and 14 other countries. A third brewery in Berlin, Germany, is on track to open this summer. Stone is the 10th largest American craft brewery, according to the Brewers Association’s new 2015 numbers.

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