Watch the Festive and Naughty A Bad Moms Christmas Red-Band Trailer

Watch the Festive and Naughty A Bad Moms Christmas Red-Band Trailer

Last summer’s “Bad Moms was one of the year’s biggest surprises. The female-driven comedy brought in $180 million against just a $20 million budget, and though nobody claimed Bad Moms was the next Bridesmaids, we at Paste definitely enjoyed the film’s raunchiness and surprising poignancy.

The film apparently did well enough to inspire a sequel. Actually, it’s done well enough that they’re hoping to do nine or ten sequels, including spin-offs like Bad Dads, because literally every franchise ever needs to be an interconnected universe these days. But before we dig into the gritty origin story for Kiki, the franchise will continue with its first proper sequel, A Bad Moms Christmas.

The sequel will delve into how the Christmas holiday really goes for moms. According to the trailer, you only enjoy the holiday because your mom is slaving away getting everything ready. Naturally, the girls decide to chuck that responsibility to the side while they indulge in even more day-drinking. If there is a go-to for maternal rebellion in these films, it’s drinking hard liquor in the middle of the day. Honestly, that sounds more like a terrible idea for anyone than a fun way to blow off steam for some oppressed mothers. But what do we know?

The film will see a return of most of the original’s major players, including Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell and Kathryn Hahn, while introducing their in-universe moms played by Cheryl Hines, Christine Baranski and Susan Sarandon. Jon Lucas and Scott Moore will return as directors.

Watch the full, swear-words-included trailer above ahead of the film’s Nov. 3 release.

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