Watch Dane DeHaan Search for His Missing Boss in New A Cure for Wellness Trailer

Movies Video A cure for wellness
Watch Dane DeHaan Search for His Missing Boss in New A Cure for Wellness Trailer

The previous trailers for A Cure for Wellness offered plenty in the way of visual intrigue, but didn’t give us much sense of what was actually going on. It looked like there was a treatment center of some sort, and Dane DeHaan was there, but everything else was pretty unclear.

In a new trailer for the film, we get a much more straightforward explanation of what the movie will be about. In the trailer, DeHaan’s character is sent looking for his absent boss, who is currently being held at a therapeutic institute in Sweden that’s run by a fairly creepy doctor (Jason Isaacs). DeHaan eventually becomes a patient himself, and learns that once you enter, you pretty much never leave.

Directed by Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean), A Cure for Wellness looks to be a return to the director’s horror roots. Verbinski’s last foray into the genre was 2005’s The Ring. A Cure for Wellness hits theaters on Feb. 17, 2017. Until then, check out the new trailer above, and find the previous trailers here.

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