Watch an Exclusive Clip from Mickey Reece’s Cozy Country Music Comedy Country Gold

Watch an Exclusive Clip from Mickey Reece’s Cozy Country Music Comedy Country Gold

Writer/director Mickey Reece’s Country Gold, a country music what-if comedy where Garth Brooks analogue Troyal Brux (Reece) has a booze-drenched hang with George Jones (Ben Hall), falls right in line with the Okie indie staple’s oddball output. Jones is on the brink of being cryogenically frozen when the two have their Nashville run-in, after all. The black-and-white, cozy little film is filled with references and allusions to the history of music and movies, but it’s also just…weird. And that’s a good thing.

To get a sense of the strange, hazy silliness on hand in this dreamy microbudget fantasy about country Troyalty, Paste has an exclusive clip from the film showcasing its dry sense of humor. Troyal and his manager (Jacob Ryan Snovel) are chatting innocuously about his career, but even this gives Reece a chance to highlight a meek little performance that’s the perfect vehicle for Country Gold‘s emotional vulnerability and punchlines alike.

Take a look:

Though Troyal takes the fall for the Joe DiMaggio gag, Reece’s script doesn’t let him go. As our critic Deirdre Crimmins said of the film as a whole when she reviewed it at last year’s Fantasia Fest, the scene “feels nostalgic,” with “snippy, smart” dialogue that evokes a confident simplicity. It all feels like the kind of ball-busting we’d do of a slower companion at a local watering hole. The heavy backlighting contributes to the feeling of unreality, even as the script settles us into the barroom chatter – this is a story treading the line between realism and surrealism. And this is before the conversations turn to Star Trek: Next Generation and Jurassic Park. 

Country Gold is now streaming exclusively on Fandor.

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