Halloween Flix Is a Free Horror Movie Streaming Service Worth Your Time

Halloween Flix Is a Free Horror Movie Streaming Service Worth Your Time

We do a whole lot of ranking here at Paste, in an effort to help readers discover the best in their preferred streaming services. Whether it’s as general as the best films on Netflix or as specific as the best martial arts films on Amazon, helping readers find content worth consuming is one of our major goals.

It goes without saying, then, that when we find an entire new free service that perfectly fits the theme of the season, we should probably share our discovery.

So it is with Halloween Flix, a free horror film streaming service we’ve recently discovered. It’s a smaller streaming service, but one that is genuinely free to use, either via web browser or services such as Roku. Films seem to load quickly and easily, and playback is simple. There’s not a lot of bells and whistles, but the service certainly works.

In terms of content, Halloween Flix is mostly geared toward old-school classics and public domain films, but there are still plenty of gems. Those include the likes of the original Universal Dracula, or George Romero’s Night of the Living Dead, along with personal favorites such as the Christopher Lee/Peter Cushing vehicle Horror Express. The absolute best thing about the service, though, is the ability to add comments and annotations in specific films. If you check out Horror Express, for instance, you can see (and skip to) specifically annotated moments in the film that have been called out by other horror fans. Now that is pretty neat.

The only downside is that the user interface of Halloween Flix leaves some things to be desired. Namely, there’s no way to view the entire library of films from A to Z, and it’s thus difficult to tell exactly how many films the service has access to. Instead, the films are subdivided up into various categories such as “modern horror,” “indie horror” and “creature features.” Not a bad idea, but it would be nice to look at a full list.

Still, it’s certainly the right time of year to discover a new service like Halloween Flix. Check it out, if you’re looking to watch something new and strange this Shocktober.

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