Nathan Fillion Will Cameo As Simon Williams/Wonder Man In Guardians Of The Galaxy 2

It appears that Nathan Fillion finally has a role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Fans have clamored for the Firefly star to play a superhero for years, and according to new photos unearthed by, that time has arrived. The photos depict a theater in Cartersville, Georgia hosting a “Simon Williams Film Festival” centered on the roles of fictional actor Simon Williams, portrayed by Fillion on a variety of movie posters. Some of the films at the festival include a Tony Stark biopic (because Tony Stark would totally have a biopic in the MCU), the horror-slasher Haxan 2, and the prototypical ancient warrior flick Arkon. And who could forget that all-time classic rom-com, Oh, Rebecca?

The big news here, though, is that Simon Williams isn’t just an actor: he’s also the superhero Wonder Man, a reformed villain who joined up with the Avengers in the Marvel comics canon. It seems dubious that we’ll actually see Fillion as Williams/Wonder Man in any capacity beyond the movie posters in Guardians of the Galaxy 2, but the possibility is now set for him to appear in future MCU films as the character; given the sheer number of characters packed into Captain America: Civil War, it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to add one more hero to Infinity War, right?

Check out the photos of Fillion’s Simon Williams movie posters here. Meanwhile, this is pretty much confirmation that part of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will take place on Earth, seeing as the Simon Williams Film Festival is taking place in Georgia.

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