Watch Keanu Reeves Clone His Family in Trailer for Replicas

Watch Keanu Reeves Clone His Family in Trailer for Replicas

The first trailer for Replicas dropped today, and it features Keanu Reeves in the role everyone always said he was meant to play: a brainy, brooding biologist.

Okay, fine, he’s a neurologist, but that didn’t fit the alliteration. Reeves’ character has lost his family in a car crash, and because he’s a genius scientist who can’t accept the inevitability of death, he clones them. Not only that, he implants the clones with the memories of his family, to make it as though they never passed.

Of course, as he says in the trailer, something goes wrong.

The film is playing with the morality of life after death, of cheating natural laws. It was filmed in Puerto Rico, and the team behind the film have announced plans to fundraise for hurricane relief on the island.

Directed by Jeffrey Nachmanoff, Replicas doesn’t have a release date yet, but it’s expected out sometime in 2018.

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