Watch This Year’s Best Picture Nominees as Performed by Children

Watch This Year’s Best Picture Nominees as Performed by Children

This year’s Oscars are three weeks away, which could only mean one thing. It’s time to re-enact this year’s best picture nominees with children. Every year, the folks over at CineFix put together a nice video of children taking a crack at the best films Hollywood has to offer. The results are often equal parts adorable and controversial.

This year’s nominees are an eclectic bunch but none offer greater controversy than the biopics. Among the nonfiction stories represented in the video, we have children playing Stephen Hawking from The Theory of Everything, Martin Luther King Jr. from Selma and Alan Turing from The Imitation Game. There’s just something oddly refreshing about seeing a five to six year old playing a theoretical physicist with ALS or the country’s most influential Civil Rights leader.

You can check out the children dawning faux beards and acting like adults in the video above! And to support your favorite best picture nominee, make sure to tune into the Oscars ceremony on Feb. 22.

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