Agent of the Fantastic and Rogue Wave Close Out the Final Day of “30 Days, 30 Songs”
Images via 30 Days, 30 Songs
We made it. 30 days and 50 songs later, and we’re at the end of “30 Days, 30 Songs,” the anti-Donald Trump protest song project. The honor of rounding out the lineup goes to Tommy Neale’s Agent of the Fantastic and the indie-folk band Rogue Wave.
Beginning with Trump defending his retweeting of a Mussolini quote, Agent of the Fantastic’s song “DT Blues” doesn’t reference Trump by name but it does discuss greed, bravado and an “orange glow” that has a “black soul.” Neal said in his statement:
I was born in England, and as I’m not yet a U.S. citizen, I’m unable to vote on Tuesday. Still, I am determined to contribute something to the movement for a Trump-free government. I wrote ‘DT Blues’ at the end of the summer, building it from an earlier set of lyrics that now seemed eerily prescient in light of the Trump campaign.
Rogue Wave’s song is a cover of the Guided by Voices song “Vote for Me, Dummy,” which was released in 2014. The music video features footage of Trump, Clinton and other people dancing and destroying their TVs as they broadcast Trump speeches. While the song wasn’t written as a specific dig at Trump, Rogue Wave wants to make it clear that they totally support Clinton:
The lyrics to this GBV song may sound politically neutral, but we’re not during this election. Trump and all that he represents is political arson at its worst. We participated in this project to very clearly state that we repudiate Donald Trump and the mentality that supports his so-called campaign. Stop the madness. Vote for Hillary.
You can watch Agent of the Fantastic’s song above. Rogue Wave’s song is embedded below. Enjoy the entire set of anti-Trump tunes here.