Bhi Bhiman’s “30 Days, 30 Songs” Contribution Takes On Trump’s Putin Obsession
Images via Bhi Bhiman/YouTubeToday saw the release of singer/songwriter Bhi Bhiman’s cleverly titled song “With Love from Russia,” his contribution to Dave Eggers’ anti-Donald Trump protest song project, “30 Days, 30 Songs.”
Bhiman’s song takes on Trump’s creepy admiration for Russian president Vladimir Putin and their many ties to one another. Bhiman said of Trump:
Trump is like a horrible car crash with a bad comb-over. When he can’t be bothered to keep up that bird’s nest on his head, he wears a stupid hat that was most definitely made in China. He loves the sound of his own voice, but his breath smells like dog shit. He wants to bring all the glamour of professional wrestling to Washington. But most importantly, and seriously, Trump might be a Manchurian Candidate for Russia. A real comrade to the Kremlin.
And in case you missed it, Aimee Mann’s contribution to the project was released yesterday, titled “Can’t You Tell?” In the first-person narrative song, Mann explores what may have inspired Trump to take up his presidential campaign and what he’s thinking now that he’s gotten this far. Mann said of the song:
I wanted to write about Trump in the first person because I think it’s more interesting to speculate on what people’s inner life might be. I had heard a theory that Trump’s interest in running for President was really kicked off at the 2011 White House Correspondent’s dinner when President Obama basically roasted him, so that’s where I started. And my own feeling was that it wasn’t really the job itself he wanted, but the thrill of running and winning, and that maybe it had all gotten out of hand and was a runaway train that he couldn’t stop.
You can listen to Bhiman’s song above. Mann’s is embedded below.