Watch Cage the Elephant’s Chilling “Cold Cold Cold” Video

Watch Cage the Elephant’s Chilling “Cold Cold Cold” Video

A stay at the St. James Infirmary sounds positively quaint after seeing the new video for Cage the Elephant’s “Cold Cold Cold.”

In the clip from the alt-rock band’s 2015 record Tell Me I’m Pretty, a young man is taken to a sanitarium and then subjected to all sorts of horrors. Heads are shaved. Eyes are gouged. Hands are bound. And pills are force-fed, all as a faceless audience in cloaks keeps watch. If the track’s coiling guitar and organ stabs sent shivers down your spine, the video’s likely to make your bones rattle. “Something don’t feel right” doesn’t even begin to describe it.

“I think we’re all very prone to subscribe to a safe, surface level pursuit of happiness, keeping our adversities out of sight out of mind, in a way,” said Matt Shultz, Cage lead singer and the director of the video. “We try to fix ourselves to fit into the social norm, and it is so easy to forget that in one way or another, the broken hearted are the beautiful ones.”

The band performed “Cold Cold Cold” earlier this week on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, which you can catch here. They’ve also got a U.S. jaunt beginning in March. Check out those dates and Paste Cloud audio from the band’s 2009 Daytrotter session below, and the video above.

Cage the Elephant Tour Dates:

04 – West Lafayette, Ind. @ Elliott Hall of Music
11 – Tampa, Fla. @ Gasparilla Music Festival

12 – Atlanta, Ga. @ Shaky Knees Festival
26 – Allston, Mass. @ Boston Calling

02 – New York, N.Y. @ Governor’s Ball Music Festival
08 – Manchester, Tenn. @ Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival
14 – Louisville, Ky. @ Forecastle Festival

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