Listen to “Copernicus Crater,” the Hypnotic Lead Single from Duster’s Forthcoming Comeback Album

Duster, out Dec. 13, is the band's first new album since 2000

Listen to “Copernicus Crater,” the Hypnotic Lead Single from Duster’s Forthcoming Comeback Album

The noise-rock elder statesmen of Duster are on the way back with their first new record in nearly two decades, a self-titled LP out on Muddguts Records Dec. 13, and our first preview of the album arrived Friday in the form of its opening track, “Copernicus Crater,” a intoxicating dose of their signature “tranq-rock” that’s led by a lone, hypnotic guitar note, pulsating like the drone of an unidentified flying object hovering above the listener.

Paste contributor Adam Weddle examined Duster’s resurgence in April, offering a spot-on interpretation of the cult-favorite San Jose, Calif., trio’s distinctively spacey sound:

A more apt description of Duster’s music might be a ride in one of those airplanes that simulate zero-gravity. Your feet leave the ground of their own accord, and you spend a few moments suspended there, maybe spinning around a little bit, totally out of control. Then you land back on the ground and feel a little bit dazed and totally confused as to how you got there in the first place.

Though Clay Parton, Jason Albertini and Canaan Dove Amber have flown under the radar for most of their careers, the band are being appreciated anew after Numero Group released Capsule Losing Contact, a reissue box-set that compiled Duster’s 1998 album Stratosphere, their 1999 EP 1975 and their 2000 album Contemporary Movement, plus a number of previously unreleased songs—it sold out nearly overnight, cementing the band’s return to ears everywhere. They recorded their comeback album in Parton’s garage, a humble space befitting Duster’s low-key legend.

Watch the “Copernicus Crater” video (directed by Parton) below and find the details of Duster further down. You can preorder the album right here.

Duster Tracklist:
01. Copernicus Crater
02. I’m Lost
03. Chocolate And Mint
04. Summer War
05. Lomo
06. Damaged
07. Letting Go
08. Go Back
09. Hoya Paranoia
10. Ghoulish
11. Ghost World
12. The Thirteen

Duster Album Art:


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