Fiona Apple Signs “My Record Is Done” on Tumblr
"M-Y R-E-C-O-R-D I-S D-O-N-E."
Image via Fiona Apple/YouTube
Last September, Fiona Apple said she hoped to release her first new album in eight years in early 2020. It looks like she might be following through on that. In a short, self-filmed video posted to her fan Tumblr Fiona Apple Rocks (we agree), Apple deftly uses the front-facing camera to show shots of herself watching George Cukor’s Born Yesterday, then, through sign language, spells “M-Y R-E-C-O-R-D I-S D-O-N-E.” No name, no release date, no single, but this is the most news we’ve had in years, and needless to say, Apple’s is one of our most-anticipated new albums of 2020.
By now we all know that Apple is never in a rush to release an album. 2012’s The Idler Wheel…, one of the best albums of the 2010s, followed seven years after her third album Extraordinary Machine.
Never a fan of speaking to the press, Apple seems to prefer her phone camera these days. Last year, after claiming via video that Lil Nas X sampled “Every Single Night” for his Soundcloud-released track “Kim Jong” (“Where’s my money, you cute little guy?”), she filmed a video of herself agreeing to collaborate with the young rapper.