11 Amazing Radiohead Remixes

Radiohead may be the most remix-friendly band in the universe. With the band’s fan remix contest for In Rainbows back in 2008 and now their 12” vinyl series of King of Limbs remixes, it seems like Radiohead will take any excuse they can to get people to rework their tunes.

Not that they need to—every DJ and their grandmother have been creating their own interpretations of Radiohead songs for years. Something about the band’s electronic influences paired with Yorke’s signature croon lends itself very well to the art of the remix.

Here are 11 of the best remixes to come out over the years.

11. “Climbing Up The Walls” – Zero 7

If anyone can make a Radiohead song sound more chill, it’s the downtempo groovers of Zero 7. This mix wouldn’t sound too out of place on the soundtrack for a hotel elevator.

10. “Street Spirit” – Funkagenda

Granted, it’s not a terribly different interpretation of the original, but the industrial rock edge that Funkagenda brings to the mix makes for a great listen regardless.

9. “Separator” – Four Tet

Four Tet is no stranger to Yorke and the boys. He’s also done a remix of “Scatterbrain” for Radiohead’s COM LAG (2plus2isfive) EP that’s worth checking out.

8. “Dirt Off Your Android” – Jaydiohead (Max Tannone)

We’re counting this mash-up as a remix, because we just have to. Max Tannone must have had the insight of a mad scientist to combine the biggest name in rap with the biggest name in rock.

7. “Little by Little” – Caribou

After listening to this new King of Limbs remix, you may wonder why there was ever not harp on this song.

6. “Reckoner” – Flying Lotus

With spastic drums and synth tones straight out of the arcade, Flying Lotus definitely left his mark on this one.

5. “The Gloaming” – DJ Shadow

DJ Shadow had to go for broke if he was going to make an even darker mix of “The Gloaming.” Sinister synths along with clips from former president Bush’s WMD speech seem to do the trick.

4. “Airbag” – RJD2

While probably not a remix per se, RJD2’s version of “Airbag” is definitely not a cover either. Just listen and bask in the weirdness.

3. “Videotape” – Mojib

Arguably even more beautiful-sounding than the fairly minimalist original, this version takes familiar elements from the song and pushes them all just a little more. Eat your heart out, Thom.

2. “Reckoner” – The Twelves

If Thom Yorke fronted Daft Punk, this might be how it would go. Who would have thought you could cut a rug to “Reckoner?”

1. “Weird Fishez” – Amplive Remix

First Amplive came up with an amazing musical interpretation of “Weird Fishes/Arpeggi.” Next, a fan came up with an amazing literal interpretation of the song and made an unofficial video of, well, weird fishes. Both are great, enjoy.

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