New Sleigh Bells Album Jessica Rabbit Set to Release in November

The follow-up to Sleigh Bells’ 2013 Bitter Rivals will be released on Nov. 11 via Lucky Number. The fourteen-song album, titled Jessica Rabbit, will feature two previously released tracks, “Rule Number One” and “Hyper Dark.”

This will be the noise-pop duo’s fourth full-length album. The information about the forthcoming album suddenly appeared on the music streaming platform Deezer. Find the full tracklist below, beneath the album’s two advance tracks.

Jessica Rabbit Tracklist:
1. It’s Just Us Now
2. Torn Clean
3. Lightning Turns Sawdust Gold
4. I Can’t Stand You Anymore
5. Crucible
6. Loyal For
7. I Can Only Stare
8. Throw Me Down the Stairs
9. Unlimited Dark Paths
10. I Know Not to Count on You
11. Rule Number One
12. Baptism by Fire
13. Hyper Dark
14. As If

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