Listen to Spirited New Single from Springtime Carnivore’s Forthcoming Album
Photo by Julia BrokawL.A.-based Springtime Carnivore, also known as Greta Morgan, was in an interesting position when she set to work on her sophomore effort, Midnight Room. Morgan was living alone for the first time in her life, and she was re-surfacing from a devastating break-up.
“A lot of lyrics on the record are collaged or don’t necessarily make sense next to each other,” Morgan says in a press release. “But I guess my whole headspace was like that for a few months. I felt like I couldn’t trust my memory completely—like i was space cadeting through the weird space between sleeping and dreaming and waking and reality.”
Morgan’s debut self-titled album under the name Springtime Carnivore was released in 2014. She decided to take a different approach to penning lyrics in this out-of-focus time for her—she wrote down interesting phrases on index cards when they came to mind and later sat down and arranged them into a logical pattern.
“A lot of the themes are, like, ‘How do you lovingly change a relationship?’” she says. “How do you say good-bye to someone in a certain way and still keep him or her in your life? I feel like I was asking a lot of questions during the making of the record that I still don’t really have answers to, but at least some of the songs were exploring that territory.”
The first single from the record, “Face in the Moon,” was written in a “15 minute flash after a week of lovelorn, sleepless nights watching space conspiracy documentaries and listening to Bruce Springsteen’s Nebraska & REM’s Murmur.”
“Face in the Moon” is an industrious track, with Morgan’s vocals easily soaring above the spirited piano and tireless drumbeat. Morgan sings about listlessness and isolation, but the juxtaposition of the brisk tempo adds dimension to the song.
Midnight Room comes out Oct. 7. Listen to “Face in the Moon” below, check out Springtime Carnivore’s performance of “Name on a Matchbook” via the Paste Cloud beneath that, and find our Best of What’s Next write-up on her here.