The Weakerthans’ John K. Samson Announces New Solo Album

The Weakerthans’ John K. Samson’s newly unveiled forthcoming solo record will ironically be more like a Weakerthans’ album than Samson’s first solo album.

The album was co-produced by Weakerthans’ drummer Jason Tait, features Weakerthans’ bassist Greg Smith and was recorded by The Weakerthans’ sound tech Cam Loeppky.

The Canadian band announced its official dissolution last year.

Nonetheless, Winter Wheat will undoubtedly still be uniquely Samson within each of its 15 tracks.

The first song from Winter Wheat, “Postdoc Blues,” debuted today via The A.V. Club. The wistful and introspective track, set to a steady bass and dancing guitar lines, seeks to instill hope with a carpe diem attitude.

“In “Postdoc Blues” I wanted to see that character move beyond the immediate comforts of screens and solitude, and catch sight of the larger picture—that we need to keep working to build a community that will care for the world and for each other, and that there can be real joy in that labor,” Samson said.

Listen to “Postdoc Blues” here via The A.V. Club. Winter Wheat comes out Oct. 21.

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