Willie Nelson’s Colorado Pot Company is Hiring

Maybe you’re into ingesting marijuana, and maybe you don’t have a job, and maybe your mom is constantly telling you to stop smoking so much friggin’ weed and go get one. But you really like weed. If this sounds like you, Willie Nelson is your savior: his Colorado-based pot company has posted job listings for five open positions.

Willie’s Reserve is located in Denver and works with local marijuana farmers to create their array of products, including 1/8-ounce and 1/4-ounce cans of pure flower, classic “ready rolls” and vape cartridges. Colorado, of course, legalized marijuana for recreational use in 2012, and Nelson opened his company last year. Willie’s Reserve will open stores in newly 420-friendly states Alaska and Washington this year. The company plans to continue the chain expansion in new states as they follow suit.

Willie’s Reserve is currently looking to hire a compliance officer, an administrative assistant, a product manager, a sales director and an extractor. If these sound like jobs for highly responsible people, it’s because they are. All require a bachelor’s degree and at least two years of experience working in the cannabis industry. The extractor position calls for a degree in chemistry, biochemistry, engineering or mechanics and “sound knowledge of engineering, mechanics, physics, and fluid dynamics” among a long list of other skills. These jobs apparently are not for the typical stoner.

However, if you have the qualifications, these jobs would probably include a lot “fringe benefits” if you catch our drift, not to mention an A+ answer to the classic, “So, what do you do?” Read about and apply for all of the openings here.

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