Anyone Who Thinks Bernie Sanders Is Treated Fairly by MSNBC Needs to Watch This Clip

Anyone Who Thinks Bernie Sanders Is Treated Fairly by MSNBC Needs to Watch This Clip

We missed this compilation earlier this week in the midst of the Mueller Madness, but it’s well worth revisiting now. Courtesy of a Sanders supporter on Twitter, this clip shows exactly how MSNBC has been unfair, dismissive, and even downright insulting to Sanders even very early in this campaign season. Watch:

As The Daily Beast reported on Wednesday, it’s gotten so bad that tensions between the campaign and the network have “boiled over”:

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and MSNBC have always had a complicated relationship. Sanders, a top-tier contender for the Democratic nomination, has long questioned the news media’s biases, while pundits have taken fresh shots at the Vermont senator this cycle. But officials in Sanders’ campaign contend that leading up to the 2020 election, the network is one of several cable news outlets directly contributing to a media climate where false claims go unchecked and requests for progressive voices on-air are frequently turned down.

The boiling point, so to speak, came in the clip included above where former U.S. Attorney Mimi Rocah said Sanders “makes my skin crawl” and “I don’t understand young women who support him.”

The backlash from the Sanders campaign was instant:

Dialogues have taken place between the campaign and the network, to the extent that one Sanders staffer said it’s become “a full-time job,” but publicly, the acrimony has only risen. All of this, of course, comes against the backdrop of MSNBC being known as the “liberal” cable news network, which proves yet again that when it comes to television, there’s various shades of corporate media, but nothing truly progressive.

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