Sarah Silverman Asked Bernie Sanders When He Lost His Virginity, and the Man Answered

Sarah Silverman Asked Bernie Sanders When He Lost His Virginity, and the Man Answered

Name me another major American politician who would face this question, feel totally embarrassed, and yet still answer it. I have no idea what the context is for this clip, I don’t know when the full video will be released, but I know you deserve to see it now and no, I don’t care if this is clickbait:

I’ll tell you what, Bernie—you may be embarrassed, but by politician standards, I bet 20 is pretty young. Those are some nerdy people. And I know Ted Cruz has a wife and children, but I’d like to think he still hasn’t lost his virginity. (Bernie’s courageous turn inspired me, and journalistic integrity demands I tell you my virginity, like Silverman’s, was lost at 19. But like, just days after I turned 19, so it was practically 18. Let’s just call it 18.)

There a couple more clips circulating, including this one where Sanders lectures Silverman that they don’t swear in the Senate—they just bomb schoolbuses full of children and give tax breaks to billionaires:

And here’s one where he asks Silverman for advice on his glasses:

Whatever this is, I hope it comes out soon.

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