Donald Trump Less Popular than Nancy Pelosi in Internal RNC Poll

Donald Trump Less Popular than Nancy Pelosi in Internal RNC Poll

According to a poll conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, Nancy Pelosi would beat out Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election, despite Trump’s best efforts to make her out as incompetent. The internal poll framed the election as Pelosi-aligned versus Trump-aligned candidates, per Bloomberg.

Pelosi-aligned candidates beat out Trump’s by five points in the poll, winning 50 to 45 percent. Among independents, Pelosi won by a four-point margin. It gets better: Even on a generic ballot, pitting Democrats against Republicans, voters still chose blue.

Regardless, Republicans plan to frame their campaign around an anti-Pelosi, anti-Hillary message. Apparently, the party’s hatred is one of the few things binding it together at this point.

Delightful though this is, the 2016 polls should still be reminder of over-reliance on such numbers. The Hill reports that Republicans are still optimistic about their chances to hold onto the House come midterms, in spite of these results. Trump is frustrated already—given all the insults he’s thrown at Pelosi, he’s probably stress eating a Big Mac right about now—but voters still need to show up when the time comes.

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